Can a dripping tap cause damage? Yes, it absolutely can!

When it comes to household issues, swift action can make all the difference. So no matter how tempted you are to ignore that leaking tap, you should address it as soon as possible.

Below are eight straightforward reasons to fix a leaking tap today. For good measure, we’ll also include some tips to fix the issue and prevent future problems.

1. To Conserve Water

It may not look like much, but you’d be surprised how much water is wasted due to a leaking tap. Even the slowest drip can leave you with litres of precious water down the sink! According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics – In 2020-21, a year of higher rainfall across Australia led to an increase in irrigation by the agricultural industry, driving an increase in overall water consumption. Given this, conserving water has never been more important. By addressing the problem ASAP, you can avoid such wastage.

2. To Save Money

Dripping taps not only waste water but money as well. Believe it or not, that steady leak will slowly but surely take its toll on your water bills. So if you don’t want to spend your hard-earned Australian bucks on lost water, we suggest fixing your taps immediately.

3. To Prevent Structural Damage

Moreover, the water from the broken valve will find its way into nearby cracks and crevices. Over time, they’ll widen these tiny openings, damaging your walls, floors, and ceilings. To avoid dealing with costly structural damages, best repair the taps immediately.

4. To Avoid Mould Growth

Your tap constantly dripping will eventually create a damp environment around it. And where there’s moisture, there’s also the risk of mould and mildew outbreaks. These won’t just damage your home; they’ll also pose risks to your health. So better fix the leaking taps to avoid mould and mildew growth.

5. To Improve Sleep Quality

Sometimes, the sounds caused by all that dripping can be so loud that you’ll hear it from your bedroom. As a result, it might ruin your beauty sleep, leaving you cranky and tired the next day. So if you want to get your beauty rest back, best fix the root of the problem: dripping taps.

6. To Preserve Property Value

A well-maintained property retains not only its aesthetic appeal but also its overall value. An unaddressed leaking tap will cause untold damage to your property, putting off many potential buyers in the process. So if you want to sell your house at a great price, you better repair those taps promptly.

7. To Help the Environment

Water shortage is a problem in many countries. According to the UN, it will displace around 700 million people from their homes by 2030. Moreover, only around 3% of Earth’s water supply is fresh. So do your part in protecting our environment by fixing your taps. That way, you’ll be part of the solution, not the problem.

8. To Enjoy a Better Lifestyle

By fixing your dripping taps right away, you’ll prevent structural damage, mould and mildew outbreaks, high water bills, and sleepless nights from plaguing you and your loved ones. In other words, you’ll create a better lifestyle where you can live peacefully.

How to Fix Your Dripping Taps

Addressing a leaking tap is simple; you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to pull it off. With the right tools, tips, and know-how, you can do it yourself. Here are the steps you can follow:

Step 1: Ready the Necessary Tools

These include the following:

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • Replacement tap
  • Plumbers tape

Step 2: Turn Off the Water Supply

Start by turning the broken tap off. Then look for the isolation valve near the tap and turn that off, too. Turn off the main water supply switch if you can’t find the valve (or there’s none). And for good measure, turn off any electric or gas power supply near the work area.

Step 3: Remove the Broken Tap

Using your adjustable wrench, pliers, and screwdriver, gently remove the broken tap from the pipe.

Step 4: Prepare the End Pipe

Clean the end of the pipe where the broken tap had been. You might need to unscrew the cover plate or remove any decorative caps along the way. Once you’re done, wrap the end pipe with the plumber’s tape. This will ensure no leaks between the new tap and the tube.

Step 5: Install the New Tap

Once everything is ready, place the new tap on the end of the pipe. Make sure you install it properly and tightly to avoid leaks in the joints.

Step 6: Switch the Water Back On

After the new tap is installed, turn the water back on. Inspect the work area thoroughly to see if there are still leaks.


  • Sometimes the leaks are caused by damaged or worn-out washers. If this is your case, you must replace the washer instead of the entire tap.
  • If the leaks come from cracks on the pipe rather than the tap, you might need to replace the tube rather than the tap. If the job is too complex, best call a professional leaking tap plumber.

What Happens If You Don’t Fix a Dripping Tap?

Ignoring a leaking tap (no matter how small) will lead to numerous headaches in the long run. These include structural damages, mould and mildew growth, higher water bills, and noise pollution. By addressing the problem ASAP, you can avoid these issues and more.

Do I Need a Plumber to Fix a Dripping Tap?

That would depend on how complex the task is. If it’s just a matter of replacing the broken tap or its parts, then you might make do with DIY repairs. You can get your fixtures back to normal in a jiffy through the steps above. But if the damage is more extensive or you’re too busy to do the repairs, then it might be better to call your trusted plumber.

How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Dripping Tap?

The cost of fixing a dripping tap can depend on several factors (listed below). According to Archipro, fixing a leaking tap in Australia takes around $80 to $150. If you want to install new kitchen or bathroom taps, you’ll pay up to $250.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Fixing a Dripping Tap

Type of Tap

Different types of taps are available today, each with unique mechanisms and varying levels of complexity. Some will require intricate solutions or specialised spare parts, ultimately affecting the final cost of the repair.

Extent of Damage

If the leak is too severe and the damage is widespread, you might pay more for repairs. Sometimes, it can be as simple as reseating the tap. To properly set a budget, call a professional plumber to inspect the leak first.

Replacement Parts

The price for replacement parts (from washers to new taps) will depend on brand, model, and whatnot. This will also have an impact on the overall cost of the repair, so plan accordingly.

Labour Time

The labour fees for fixing a dripping tap will ultimately depend on the plumber doing the job. So before hiring one, get quotes from different experts or companies and compare each rate thoroughly.


The cost of plumbing services will depend on how far you are from each other. For cheaper services, go to plumbers or plumbing companies near your area. However, bear in mind that areas with high living costs tend to come with steeper plumbing costs.

Tips to Prevent Future Dripping Taps

Preventing future dripping taps not only saves you from the inconvenience of having to repair them; it will also help you save money and resources. Here are some valuable tips to ensure your valves stay leak-free:

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is one of the easiest ways to prevent dripping taps. Schedule a routine check-up for your fixtures to catch any problems before they worsen. Tightening loose parts and replacing worn-out washers can help to keep your taps in good condition and prevent leaks from starting.

Proper Handling

Be extra careful when removing or replacing the taps. Be gentle when using your wrench or pliers. And when using the new fixtures, you and your housemates should avoid turning the handle too forcefully. That way, you can prevent unnecessary damage and ensure the taps stay in tip-top shape.

Proper Insulation

Extreme temperature fluctuations can expand or contract your taps and their inner components. This will eventually lead to leaks over time, so make sure your tap and pipes are properly insulated to avoid this issue.

Maintain Water Pressure

High water pressure can strain your taps excessively, leading to leaks and drips. Consider installing a pressure-reducing valve or regulator to maintain moderate water pressure throughout your home. This can help extend your taps’ lifespan and prevent unnecessary leaks.

Call a Professional

Contact a professional plumber if you’re unsure of what to do or too busy to do anything about that dripping. They have the expertise to identify potential problems and offer tailored solutions to keep your taps pristine.


A dripping tap won’t just drive you crazy; it will also cost you money and resources. So the next time you notice leaks in your kitchen, bathroom, or garden valves, best address the issue ASAP.

It doesn’t matter if you go DIY mode or call a professional plumber. As long as you stop that dripping, either approach will do!

And if you need help figuring out where to start, follow the guide above. Through our tips and insights, you’ll fix your taps in no time!